Dramaturgy Dramaturgie

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Short definition of key terms in order to provide a framework of their theoretical and disciplinary scope


Author citations that propose consensus-building definitional elements from bibliographic sources


Texts written by artists and researchers, based on experiences in their field of study


Bibliographic citations for further reading


The polysemic notion of dramaturgy traces all possible bridges between theatrical text and the stage. It designates therefore, on one hand the art of composition of theatre pieces, the study of the formal choices which operate for an author in the composition of a performance, but also the process of the passage of text to stage as well as the analysis of poetics and representation. Within a performative perspective, it designates the compositional logic of scenic actions (whether they are narrative, choreographic or visual).

Cite: “Dramaturgy”, Performascope: Interdisciplinary Lexicon of Performance and Research-Creation, Grenoble: Université Grenoble Alpes, 2021, [online]: http://performascope.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/fr/detail/177817

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Created : 2021-06-14.

Last modified : 2022-07-06.

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« Trying to explain in my own words the technical terminology of my own theatre tradition, I defined ‘dramaturgy’ according to its etymology: drama-ergon, the work of the actions. Or rather: the way the actor’s actions enter into work. For me, dramaturgy was not a procedure belonging only to literature, but a technical operation which was inherent in the weaving and growth of a performance and its different components. »

Eugenio Barba, On directing and dramaturgy: burning the house, Londres : Routledge, 2010 [2009], p. 8

« Le rapport de tous les systèmes signifiants utilisés dans la représentation et dont l'agencement et l'interaction forment la mise en scène »

Patrice Pavis, Dictionnaire du théâtre, Paris : Dunod, 1996, p.357

« Puisqu'on peut parler de dramaturgie d'un film, d'un match de football, voire d'une œuvre musicale, il est clair qu'un roman, dans la mesure où il organise une action, ordonne un espace et une temporalité, invente des personnages, obéit à une “dramaturgie”. Si les guillemets s'imposent ici, c'est que ces emplois du mot sont métaphoriques. Je dirais que pour qu'il y ait dramaturgie, il faut que soient mis en jeu (et en relation) trois termes, ou trois forces : l'action, la pensée... et le théâtre. Pour qu'il y ait, sans métaphore, dramaturgie, il faut donc qu'il y ait organisation de l'action en vue de la scène. Peut-être est-ce cela l' “activation de l'action”, qui propulse celle-ci simultanément sur ses deux terrains de jeu : l'action représentée, l'action de représenter. »

Joseph Danan, Qu'est-ce que la dramaturgie ?, Arles : Actes sud-papiers, 2010, p.50

« Si tout le monde s’accorde à dire que l’un des fondements de la dramaturgie […] est de mettre la focale sur “le passage du texte à la scène” et la prise en compte de tous les autres éléments non textuels, qui entrent dans l’économie de la représentation ou du spectacle, le rôle exact de dramaturge dans le sens dramaturg, quant à lui, s’est décliné tout le long de ces deux derniers siècles, surtout avec l’émergence de la figure du metteur en scène au XIXe siècle, en une infinité de tâches “qui varient considérablement d’un pays ou d’une institution à l’autre, à tel point qu’on est en droit de se demander si elles participent de la même activité”. »

Khalid Amine, Omar Fertat, « Éditorial », Horizons/théâtre, 6, 2016, p.5

Computer Science studies
Rémi Ronfard, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LJK, 38000 Grenoble, France

I have an educational background in engineering and I’ve spent my entire career in computer science research, first in the industry then with Inria [National Institute of Research in Science and Technologies] where I currently work as a director of research. The term ‘dramaturgy’ became essential to me when I began working in the field of action recognition in videos. I was recruited by Inria into a research program called “From image sequences to action sequences,” which was also the title of my professorial thesis to supervise research students (Ronfard 2010). The interweaving of actions into images has become a leitmotif in my career as a researcher, with incessant comings and goings between analysis – (how to recognize actions interwoven into images) and synthesis (how to represent actions with images). Under the influence of theorist Eugenio Barba, who defines dramaturgy as the art and science of interweaving actions (drama-ergon), I was led to consider my own work as a very particular form of dramaturgy.

In two fairly speculative articles (Gagneré 2016, Ronfard 2016), I suggested the idea that I could establish a digital dramaturgy in only choosing actions that my programs could simulate and recognize automatically. This would be a kind of “theater for the computer,” a dramaturgy able to be appreciated by artificial intelligences. But also, a dramaturgy susceptible to be played out by virtual actors and lit by autonomous machines that would offer theater writers new perspectives of representing interior or imaginary worlds on stage.

Within the scope of the Performance Lab, we have been able to review several recent examples of dramaturgies in augmented reality (Borrel 2019), and we’ve noticed that they are often used in service of classic texts that don’t always justify the turn toward digital techniques. Or rather, these dramaturgies explore new technologies and put them on stage, instead of grasping them to tell new stories.

Some of today’s digital dramaturgies consist in staging texts written by artificial intelligences. Although this might produce spectacular effects, it seems to me to be a more or less a vain project. The inverse, a dramatic text written by a human author specifically for digital stages, seems more promising to me.

That is perhaps the sense we must grant to the term ‘digital dramaturgy,’ that of an algorithmic weaving of human actions into spectacular virtual worlds. It still remains a far-off perspective that requires laborious research both in the fields of computer vision and computer graphics. My hope is that there will be dramaturges to seize these new possibilities and push the boundaries of theater in creative new directions.

More from this author:

Gillian Borrell, Rémi Ronfard, Julie Valero, « Dramaturgies de la Réalité Augmentée », Journées d'Informatique Théâtrale, Grenoble, 2019 [online]: https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/LJK/hal-02471493v1 (03/11/21)

Georges Gagneré, Rémi Ronfard, Myriam Desainte-Catherine, « La simulation du travail théâtral et sa « notation » informatique », in Monique Martinez, Sophie Proust eds., La notation du travail théâtral: du manuscrit au numérique, Manage: Lansman, 2016 [online]: https://hal.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/hal-00768897/ (03/11/21)

Rémi Ronfard, « Analyse automatique de films : Des séquences d’images aux séquences d’actions », Sarrebruck, Éditions universitaires européennes, 2010 [online]: https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00450230 (03/10/21)

Rémi Ronfard, « Notation et reconnaissance des actions scéniques par ordinateur », in Monique Martinez, Sophie Proust eds., La notation du travail théâtral : du manuscrit au numérique, Manage: Lansman, 2016 [online]: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01389847 (03/10/21)

Cite this item: Rémi Ronfard, “Dramaturgy”, translated by Lauren Fabrizio, Performascope: Interdisciplinary Lexicon of Performance and Research-Creation, Grenoble: Université Grenoble Alpes, 2021, [online]: http://performascope.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/en/detail/177817

Theater studies
Julie Valero, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Litt&Arts, 38000 Grenoble, France

As a specialist in contemporary scenic forms and their creation process, I have always practiced dramaturgy on the sidelines of my teaching and research in performing arts, at a time where it was not integrated into academic research. Between 2018 and 2020, the research fields organized by the Performance Lab in collaboration with academic researcher in digital studies Rémi Ronfard and the company tf2-Jean-François Peyret, were for me the first to be fully included in a scientific approach.

The term “digital dramaturgy” was first used by Rémi Ronfard and myself before the project began so we could distinguish and combine the artistic gesture and the development of new methodologies. This double approach was the essence of our collaboration: to choose, to develop digital tools for the performing arts professional field and by artists who had a specific artistic identity marked by an interest in these digital environments.

The “digital dramaturgy” designates, in the first place, digital working environments susceptible to serve artistic teams – and particularly, staging and dramaturgy teams – simple, malleable tools, capable of treating a great amount of data in a very short time, as well as retaining and therefore, building an archive work. The fields undertaken were intended to evaluate the needs of the teams as well as measure the adequacy between the tools that already existed and those used during rehearsals. Indeed, the use of video footage, the great amount of textual and even audible data that was accumulated during a process of rehearsals by several contributors (assistants, directors, performers, stage engineers) all brought to light at the same time the question of data storage, organization, sharing and reusability. The tool that was developed, Kino Ai[1], aligns itself with others such as (Vitry’s StudioTheatre note books Les Cahiers du Studio or even Clarisse Bardiot’s Rekall in collaboration with Buzzing Light and Thierry Coduys).

Secondly, it seems to me that the term “digital dramaturgy” needs to be broadened to what I call “media dramaturgy”, thus a dramaturgy informed by a digital environment within which it is embedded. The use of file storing and file sharing, collaborative writing tools or even the integration of web research engines to the practice of writing is of course not without its consequences, as illustrated by the work of many artists, for instance the duo Barbara Matijevic and Giuseppe Chico’s, the stage director Émilie Rousset or even Hédé-Bazouges’s Joli Collectif. Le Petit Bréviaire à l’usage des animaux humains du XXIe siècle written by Jean-François Peyret. We followed the first part of the rehearsals of the latter with the Digital dramaturgies team in Grenoble in February 2020 to develop media dramaturgy by associating digital practices with the writing of the text score : it was a matter of testing how Kino Ai, beyond being a simple “tool”, could also become a multimedia writing generator and an editing tool by offering access to different dramaturgy sequences. This part of the program was supplanted by the successive Covid lockdowns.

[1] https://team.inria.fr/imagine/kino-ai/

Pour citer : Julie Valero, « Dramaturgie numérique », Performascope : Lexique interdisciplinaire des performances et de la recherche-création, Grenoble : Université Grenoble Alpes, 2021, [en ligne] : http://performascope.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/en/detail/177817

Michel Bataillon, et al., « Cinquante ans au service de la dramaturgie : entretien avec Michel Bataillon par Alice Carré, Sylvain Diaz et Barbara Métais-Chastanier », Agôn, 2011, [en ligne] : http://journals.openedition.org/agon/1922 (06/05/21)

Guy Cools, « De la dramaturgie du corps en danse », Jeu, 3, 116, 2005, [en ligne] : https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/24810ac (06/05/21)

Jacob Gallagher-Ross, Miriam Felton-Dansky éds., « Digital Dramaturgies », numéro special de Theater, 42, 2, 2012

Thomas LaRonika, « Digital dramaturgy and digital dramaturgies », in The Routledge Companion to Dramaturgy, Magda Romanska dir., Oxon : Routledge, 2015, pp.506-511

Diane Moquet, Karine Saroh, Cyril Thomas dirs., Contours et détours des dramaturgies circassiennes, Châlons-en-Champagne : Chaire ICiMa, 2020