Autoethnographie Autoethnography

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L’auto-ethnographie ou autoethnographie, est une approche scientifique qui émerge dans les années 1970 dans les pays anglophones. Cette pratique relève du récit personnel et désigne aussi bien une approche méthodologique, qu’une forme d’écriture autoréflexive au sein de diverses disciplines universitaires.

Pour citer : « Autoethnographie », Performascope : Lexique interdisciplinaire des performances et de la recherche-création, Grenoble : Université Grenoble Alpes, 2021, [en ligne] :

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Date de création : 2021-06-09.

Dernière modification : 2022-06-29.

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« Autoethnographic stories are artistic and analytic demonstrations of how we come to know, name, and interpret personal and cultural experience. With autoethnography, we use our experience to engage ourselves, others, culture(s), politics, and social research. In doing autoethnography, we confront “the tension between insider and outsider perspectives, between social practice and social constraint.” Hence, autoethnography is a research method that:

- Uses a researcher’s personal experience to describe and critique cultural beliefs, practices, and experiences.

- Acknowledges and values a researcher’s relationships with others. Uses deep and careful self-reflection—typically referred to as “reflexivity” to name and interrogate the intersections between self and society, the particular and the general, the personal and the political.

- Shows “people in the process of figuring out what to do, how to live, and the meaning of their struggles.”

- Balances intellectual and methodological rigor, emotion, and creativity.

-Strives for social justice and to make life better. »

Tony E. Adams, Stacy Holman Jones, Carolyn Ellis, Autoethnography. Understanding qualitative research, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015, pp.1-2.

« Autoethnography is a reflexive means by which the researcher–practitioner consciously embeds himself or herself in theory and practice, and by way of intimate autobiographic account, explicates a phenomenon under investigation or intervention. Autoethnography is presented as a vehicle to operationalise social constructionist research and practice that aims to establish trustworthiness and authenticity. »

Peter Mcillveen, « Autoethnograpy as a method for reflexive research and practice in vocational psychology » Australian Journal of Career Development, Vol 17, No 2, Juillet 1, 2008, p.13

« Autoethnography broadly operationalises three different conceptions of self: self as representative subject (as a member of community or group) self as autonomous subject (as the itself the object of inquiry, depicted in « tales of the self ») and other as autonomous self (the other as both object and subject of inquiry; speaking with their own voice). »

Albert J. Mills, Gabrielle Durepos, Elden Wiebe, Encyclopedia of Case Study Research, Londre : Sage, 2010, p.43

Pas de perspectives

Tony E. Adams, Stacy Holman Jones, Carolyn Ellis dirs., Handbook of Autoethnography, Londres : Routledge, 2013

Heewon Chang, Autoethnography as Method, Londres : Routledge, 2018

Karine Rondeau, « L’autoethnographie : une quête de sens réflexive et conscientisée au cœur de la construction identitaire », Recherches qualitatives. Développements, apports et outils de la recherche qualitatives, 30, 2, 2011, pp.48-70 », [en ligne ] : (06/05/21)

Pranee Liamputtong, « Autoethnography as a Phenomenological Tool: Connecting the Personal to the Cultural » in Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences, Pranee Liamputtong dir., Singapour : Springer, 2019, pp.1829-1845